Land for Sale - 2198 Partridge Creek road, Topton, NC 28781 - 70.52 acres

70.52+/- acres unrestricted

2198 Partridge Creek road, Topton, NC | Lat/Lng:  35.2848, -83.6117

70.52 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


70.52+/- unrestricted acres completely surrounded by over 80,000 acres of US Forest Service property. This is a very unique property with a road system, power, creek, streams, valley land, ridge top land, timber and some smaller fields. Queen creek runs through the property by the house which feeds Queen's lake which feeds the Nantahala river for rafting that is just down the road. It is truly incredible to think about how much forest service land is around this property, over 80,000 acres to explore right from your doorstep. Imagine driving through forest service property to get to your own personal oasis in the mountains. Located between Bryson City and Franklin with elevations ranging from 3600 feet in the valley to just over 3800 feet on the ridges. There is a nice ridge where several houses could be built with a view. This property has been in this family for almost 100 years. The property has easy access and a well maintained road, gated and has a house on it which the sellers are giving no representation to. All personal items on the property will remain on the property, the sellers will not be removing any items that are currently on the property. Contact Rhett Wolfe 828-507-3280


Property Type OneResidential Property
Property Type TwoHunting Land
Property Type ThreeRecreational Land
BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Carolina Timber and Realty
Brokerage Link
Agent: Rhett Wolfe
Email Land Listing Agent
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