Land for Sale - 22010 Meridian (Lot 3) E, Graham, WA 98338 - 0.4 acres

Graham .40-Acre Commercial Property

22010 Meridian (Lot 3) E, Graham, WA | Lat/Lng:  47.0562, -122.2963

0.4 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Prime 17,437 sq ft. Binding Site Plan Phase 111, part of Graham-Meridian Town Center, is conveniently situated. All utilities are stubbed, and community septic is installed. The property has great exposure thanks to anchor tenants Burger King, Popeyes, O'Reilly & Dutch Brothers, its location off SR 161 & 224th (22,000 daily drivers), and 3 major schools located just blocks away. The lot is R-10 zoning with Phase 111 site plan, which accommodates a wide variety of uses: Community Cultural Services, Health Services, Admin + Professions Offices, Ed Services, Daycares, Business Services, Eating and Drinking Est. Food Stores, Auto Sales, Rent-Service, Personal Service, Rental and Repair, General Merchandise Sales--all have access to Meridian. Seller has signed LOI for a Ground Lease (GL). GL has a first right of refusal - write offer subject to that.


Property Type OneBusiness Opportunity
Property Type TwoLot
Property Type ThreeCommercial
BrokerageKeller Williams Mountains to Sound Realty
Brokerage Link
Agent: David R. Knight
Email Land Listing Agent
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