Land for Sale - 224 Fox Lane, Canton, MS 39046 - 1.5 acres

224 Fox Lane_Canton_MadisonCo

224 Fox Lane, Canton, MS | Lat/Lng:  32.6080, -89.9976

1.5 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


*Location, Location, Location* 1.5 +/- acres on Fox Lane in the Country Club of Canton neighborhood. Cleared off and ready to build your next home! These lots have been moving quickly, so don't wait! 224 Fox Lane is less than a mile from the Country Club of Canton and just over a mile from Canton Academy & Canton High School. Les Penn, CLS Mossy Oak Properties, BRE 601-260-5544 / cell 662-495-1121 / office Lpenn@


BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Bottomland Real Estate
Brokerage Link
Agent: Les Penn
Email Land Listing Agent
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