Land for Sale - 22575 S 170 RD, Okmulgee, OK 74467 - 160.0 acres

Gorgeous Property With Home, Large Shop, Creeks, And Ponds

22575 S 170 RD, Okmulgee, OK | Lat/Lng:  35.5278, -96.0733

160 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


This pristine property is truly hidden gem. Located just 45 mins from Tulsa on a paved road, you will have a hard time finding a property with this much to offer. It is approximately 50/50 woods/pasture with beautiful ponds, and Fourmile Creek winding through the south 80 acres creating some of the most stunningly beautiful terrain in the county. There are large old growth hardwoods lining the banks with cool rock formations along the ridges above the creek. Travel to the back 40 and you will be in awe of the beauty of the hills along the Northwest border which is a very large working cattle ranch and also has around 60 wild horses. When they go running by on the hillside, you will feel like you at the Yellowstone Ranch! There are multiple pastures for running a number of livestock and the hunting habitat is simply incredible with many varieties of oak and other hardwoods as well as plenty of great forage along the creek banks. The 2400 sq/ft home was built in 1974 and is currently in the process of being remodeled. Included is a very large 8500 sq/ft, insulated shop that has tons of electric and was plumbed for a kitchen and bathrooms. So...need a place to store tons of equipment, or have a need for a business with office space or maybe even build a monster many possibilities. Don't miss out on this one of kind property. Call the listing agent and let him show you around this hidden jewel. Property Features: - Beautiful rolling hills with creeks, ponds, pasture in secluded location - Borders large cattle ranch - Paved access - 1974 Home (in the process of being remodeled) - Fourmile Creek winds through the South 80 acres - Good quality pasture for running cattle - Prime hunting habitat - Huge 8500 sq/ft insulated shop with tons of power


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