Land for Sale - 23141 CR 1140, Minco, OK 73959 - 80.0 acres

Perfect Size Turn-Key Ranch

23141 CR 1140, Minco, OK | Lat/Lng:  35.3563, -98.2209

80 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Looking for a place for cattle or horses that has a little of everything? We are now offering this 160 acres in two separate 80-acre parcels! This 80-acre tract is the east half and has everything from a shop with living quarters, a pond, corrals, and even a small tillable parcel with an irrigation well. The approximately 13 acres are set up to be under irrigation, so raising your hay is no issue. There are 3 working water wells, one of which is the irrigation well rated for 300gpm. There are pipe corrals with grass traps, and water to hold cattle if needed.Last but not least, the shop was constructed to be able to take any idea and run with it however you choose. The building is 50'W x 60'L50'W8'H with 118'Lean-tos' n 3 sides. The south lean-to provides 900 sq. ft of living space with 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, kitchen, living room and utility room. If the whole 160 acres doesn't fit the budget, one of the halves is sure to check all the boxes on your list. Get ahold of Rustin to request additional pictures or set up a private showing. Property Features: - 3 water wells - 300gpm irrigation well - 900 sq ft living quarters - Shop with lean-tos - Corrals - 13 tillable acres - Option to purchase adjoining 80 acres on the west side


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
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Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Rustin Hayes
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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