Land for Sale - 2386 Beards Creek Church Rd, Glennville, GA 30427 - 14.0 acres

2386 Beards Creek Church Rd

2386 Beards Creek Church Rd, Glennville, GA | Lat/Lng:  31.9923, -81.8790

14 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Take a look at this 14 +/- acre land home package just outside Glennville GA. If you and your family are looking for a nice country home with room to play, this property has enough room for hunting, gardening and homesteading and is zoned A-5 agriculture. The property has a 2010 32' x 56' Live Oak mobile home with 4 bedrooms, 2 baths and porches front and back. Existing features include a 4-inch deep well and septic system and a combination of planted pines and hardwood trees with an irrigated garden site. Call Al Randall with Mossy Oak Properties at 912-237-6356 to take a look at this great property.


Property Type OneFarms
Property Type TwoSingle Family
BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Coastal Land and Real Estate
Brokerage Link
Agent: Al Randall
Email Land Listing Agent
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