Land for Sale - 2512 Route 392, Cortland, NY 13045 - 238.0 acres

238 acres Creekfront Hunting Land Virgil NY

2512 Route 392, Cortland, NY | Lat/Lng:  42.4914, -76.1078

238 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


238 acres Creekfront Land for Sale Near Ski Resort, Virgil, NY! Nice Country Building Sites with Large Barn Near State Land! 238 acres of mixed woodlands, ridges, open fields, and creek frontage along Gridley Creek. This property is located at 2512 County Rt. 392, Virgil, NY only a mile and a half away from Greek Peak Ski Resort. There is over 6,000 ...Click to learn more


BrokerageLand Broker Co-op
Agent: Kirk Goodrow
Email Land Listing Agent
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