Land for Sale - 254 County Rd 263, Florence, AL 35617 - 1.7 acres

Lauderdale Land For Sale

254 County Rd 263, Florence, AL | Lat/Lng:  34.9465, -87.7836

1.7 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Charming fixer-upper on 1.70 acres in the Cloverdale community of Florence, AL. This 784 sq. ft. home, built in 1941, boasts original hardwood floors from Cloverdale High School, antique doors, and a modernized circuit breaker. Featuring a living room, two bedrooms, a kitchen, and a plumbed bathroom connected to a septic tank. Recent upgrades include new roof shingles. The lot offers key utilities, a water well, and a well house. Ideal for residential or agricultural use, with possibilities for building a cabin, bringing a tiny home, or starting a farm. Owner Financing: $16,900 down, then $956.38 per month for 120 months (includes principal, interest and processing).


BrokerageElegment Land
Brokerage Link
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