Land for Sale - 255 Edgar Rd, Glencoe, AL 35905 - 6.22 acres

Glencoe Homesite

255 Edgar Rd, Glencoe, AL | Lat/Lng:  33.9121, -85.9215

6.22 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Discover the perfect setting for your dream home with this 6.22± acre parcel located in the city limits of Glencoe, AL. Only 4 minutes from Glencoe Elementary School, this property boasts flat topography, a beautiful pond, and easy access to HWY 431. This is the perfect place to have a peaceful, rural lifestyle with the convenience of city amenities. Property Features: Ideal Homesite: The open, flat landscape is ideal for building a residence overlooking a picturesque 0.25± acre pond. Utilities: Property already has water, power, and septic. Community Atmosphere: Situated in a quiet area around well-kept neighboring properties. Proximity to Urban Centers: Enjoy the tranquility of the country while being just a short drive from Gadsden, offering shopping, dining, and entertainment options. Whether you're looking to build a family home or simply seeking a quiet retreat, this 6.22± acre property in Glencoe provides the perfect blend of rural charm and accessibility. Property has a recent survey. For more information or to schedule a private showing contact Land Specialist Chandler Hampton at 256.572.4706 or email champton@


Property Type OneRecreational Land
Property Type TwoUndeveloped Land
Property Type ThreeHorse Property
BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Southeast Land & Wildlife, LLC
Brokerage Link
Agent: Chandler Hampton
Email Land Listing Agent
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