Land for Sale - 2577 Lockwood Lane, Weatherford, Texas 76087, Weatherford, TX 76087 - 16.94 acres

2577 Lockwood Lane, Weatherford, Texas 76087

2577 Lockwood Lane, Weatherford, Texas 76087, Weatherford, TX | Lat/Lng:  32.7253, -97.7819

16.94 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Welcome to a great commercial real estate opportunity on BB Fielder Rd in the thriving city of Weatherford, TX. This expansive 16.935-acre plot offers unparalleled potential for development, making it the perfect location for your next business venture. The property is strategically situated directly behind a bustling shopping center, ensuring high visibility. It also offers convenient access from major roads, ...Click to learn more


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Agent: Tim Clark
Email Land Listing Agent
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