Land for Sale - 2590 Meister Rd Sw, Lancaster, OH 43130 - 3.37 acres

Meister Rd - 3 acres - Fairfield County

2590 Meister Rd Sw, Lancaster, OH | Lat/Lng:  39.6412, -82.6533

3.37 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


3.37 acres of land is now for sale in Fairfield County, OH. A driveway and building area have been cleared and excavated, and there is electricity and natural gas located along the road. A key feature of this property is that it borders the Christmas Rocks State Nature Preserve. This 415-acre preserve offers several miles of hiking trails, a covered bridge, and a scenic overlook known as Jacobs Ladder. The property is just 37 minutes from Old Man's Cave and the heart of the Hocking Hills as well. There are many possibilities with this one!


BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Bauer Realty & Auctions
Brokerage Link
Agent: Tristden Bauer
Email Land Listing Agent
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