Land for Sale - 26 Sunset Blvd, Hermon, NY 13652 - 6.15 acres

1.8 acre Lakefront Property with Cabin Hermon NY

26 Sunset Blvd, Hermon, NY | Lat/Lng:  44.3730, -75.2550

6.15 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


1.8 acre Lakefront with 725 Sq Ft Cabin for Sale, Hermon, NY! Beautiful Setting on Trout Lake, Bordering State Land! This 1.8-acre lot is located at 26 Sunset Blvd in the town of Hermon. The lot offers a cozy 725 square foot cabin with power and a gravel driveway. The lot is unique, the cabin is located in the front of the ...Click to learn more


CountySaint Lawrence
BrokerageLand Broker Co-op
Agent: Kirk Goodrow
Email Land Listing Agent
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