Land for Sale - 26020 Hwy 50, La Junta, CO 81050 - 14.36 acres

Farm Market Business Opportunity

26020 Hwy 50, La Junta, CO | Lat/Lng:  38.0039, -103.6013

14.36 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Invest in this income-producing property with high visibility off of Highway 50. Located between Swink and La Junta sits 14.36 acres of irrigated farm ground with an established 1,020-square-foot Farm Market. The Arkansas Valley is known for its rich history of locally grown produce, bringing business from near and far during the growing season. This turn-key business is ready for its next owner with all operating supplies remaining on the property. Including but not limited to; produce stands, coolers, scales, cash register, and chili roasters. The building has an additional storage room with a walk-in cooler for produce. There is a 1/2 bathroom, kitchenette/office, a furnace, and a large roll-away swamp cooler. The property has a South Swink water tap, propane tank, septic system, and electricity through Southeast Colorado Power. An irrigation well supplies the water for the flood-irrigated 11-acre +/- farm field. 21.25 square acre-feet is adjudicated to the well for the 2025 growing season augmented through AGRA. Contact the listing agent to discuss the opportunities that this property has to offer!


Property Type OneFarms
Property Type TwoBusiness Opportunity
BrokerageGreat Plains Land Company
Brokerage Link
Agent: Beth Howe
Email Land Listing Agent
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