Land for Sale - 2635 CR RD 22, Saint Francis, KS 67756 - 370.0 acres

The Perfect 10

2635 CR RD 22, Saint Francis, KS | Lat/Lng:  39.9339, -101.6588

370 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


The Perfect 10 is a 370-acre property in Northwest Kansas offering premier hunting, irrigated farmland, and diverse habitat. Known for world-class white-tailed deer, it also boasts abundant turkey, upland game, and waterfowl hunting. With 163 acres of irrigated land and a beautiful pond, it's ideal for sportsmen and farmers alike. Adjacent to a state recreation area, it provides year-round access ...Click to learn more


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Agent: Dax Hayden
Email Land Listing Agent
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