Land for Sale - 2663 County Rd 643, Lot#WP002, Hanceville, AL 35077 - 28.0 acres

Homesite Overlooking Large Pond Near Cullman

2663 County Rd 643, Lot#WP002, Hanceville, AL | Lat/Lng:  34.1163, -86.7196

28 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


It is an incredible pasture property with a large pond and many features that would make it an excellent homestead. The pasture is very gently rolling, with productive sandy loam soils. There is partial fencing in place, and it would make very good grazing for livestock. A small house on the property overlooking the pond would need some repair, a "fixer-upper" that has two bedrooms, one bathroom, and approximately 850 sf. The pond is approximately 1.5 +/- AC and would be a great place to catch catfish, bass, and bream. There is another potential homesite overlooking the pond, on the south end of the pond, which would be a very picturesque setting for a home. A hardwood drain runs the north side of the tract, with plenty of mature trees for shade for cattle as well as a small stream. There are additional acres available adjacent to the north of this property and across the road. Please reach out for more details and discuss this beautiful homestead. Property Features: - Open pasture - Partial fencing - Large pond - Small house in need of repair, 2 bedroom 1 bathroom - Productive soils, sandy loam - Paved road frontage with utilities


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