Land for Sale - 2740 S. Loxley Road, Houghton Lake, MI 48629 - 135.0 acres

One Of A Kind Property With Established Hunting, Gorgeous Home, And Large Outbuilding

2740 S. Loxley Road, Houghton Lake, MI | Lat/Lng:  44.2964, -84.7815

135 ac.
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One of a kind! In over a decade of being a land specialist for Whitetail Properties, I have had the privilege of representing several special properties. This one is near the top of the list for many reasons. Although we Michiganders are blessed with ample recreational water, it is rare to find a property that boasts a habitat that legitimately supports both land-faring wildlife and waterfowl. With nearly 25 acres of flooded marsh and timber, this parcel has fantastic waterfowl breeding, rearing, and hunting opportunities. In addition, this property lies only approximately 1 mile from the famous Houghton Lake. This proximity allows superb natural recruitment for resident and migrating ducks and geese. Excitingly, as an effort to increase the huntability, the current owner has installed multiple blinds, including a sunken pit blind, as well as power and an aerator designed to keep the water open on those years the ice shows up early. (Open water options become a waterfowl magnet when surrounding waterways are frozen!)Additionally, this parcel is teaming with deer, turkey, bear, and other wildlife. The seller has engaged in years of development, from creating well-established trail systems, installing well-placed hunting blinds, and building approximately 11 acres of strategic supplemental food plots. These efforts have turned this property into the place to be for an already strong deer herd. The heavy cover has created great fawning grounds, bedding cover, and additional natural browse. The water features and changing topography provide incredible natural corridors that make hunting and stand placement practical and enjoyable. This tract is set up so that access, regardless of wind direction, can be undetectable. These combined efforts have resulted in the realistic opportunity to hunt quantity and quality, as seen in the trail cam pictures and videos included in this listing. As if the acreage isn't enough, this property is all-inclusive, given the fact it also has a gorgeous, well-built home located at the end of a long and winding driveway covered by a canopy of mature maples, oaks, and towering white pines. The home is spacious, with lots of storage, gorgeous views of your wooded surroundings, a beautiful covered porch, and a large, 3-car attached garage.Furthermore, you will definitely enjoy the large, in-floor heated and finished stick-built barn out back. Ample space offers storage for all your equipment, with plenty of room for your heated workshop. This home is perfect for raising a family or a retirement getaway for those dreaming about spending their golden years in the recreational rich UP NORTH of Michigan's Northern lower peninsula. Only minutes from Houghton Lake and all of the recreational opportunities it presents as well as amenities, dining, and schools. Conveniently located less than 5 minutes from one of Michigan's main arteries in US-127, giving you and your loved ones easy access regardless of your travel needs. As stated earlier, this property is one of very few that offers so much diversity. The concept of owning a property offering year-round hunting, relaxed and secluded living, and proximity to travel and amenities is very rare. That is why this one is special. Please don't hesitate to call for your own personal tour. Property Features: - Gorgeous, well built home - Large, finished, heated barn/shop - Convenient yet secluded location - Very diverse hunting property - Great population of deer, turkey, bear, waterfowl and other wildlife - Nearly 11 acres of food plots - Well established trail system throughout - Garden area - Long winding driveway - Close proximity to Houghton Lake - Close proximity to US-127 - Houghton Lake is highly sought after for fishing. - Great dining, recreation, golf, amenities - Home of Tip Up Town


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