Land for Sale - 285 Ripley Z-4, Gatewood, MO 63942 - 204.0 acres

Turnkey Cattle Farm For Sale With Equipment, Cattle And Home

285 Ripley Z-4, Gatewood, MO | Lat/Lng:  36.5270, -91.1051

204 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


This beautiful cattle farm is located just southwest of Doniphan, along Highway Z. The property has three wells and nine ponds, providing water for the livestock and an abundant amount of wildlife. This sale will include 30 momma cows and a bull, making it the perfect opportunity to expand or start your next farming adventure. Equipment and attachments will also be included to handle all your daily chores and projects on the farm. The carport, barn, and shop will be a great place to keep all your hay, tools and equipment dry. The home has been fully renovated on the inside and is only missing some of your final touches. This property has a gentle lay with multiple building sites and a spot for a future lake. Fourche Creek Conservation Area and Mark Twain National Forest are nearby, providing endless hunting opportunities. If you are looking for a turnkey cattle farm, this is a must-see! Call Land Specialist Carter Roth at 573.880.6578 or Land Specialist Jeff Heil at 573.880.6150 today to schedule your own private tour. Property Features: - Two 986 tractors with multiple attachments - Cattle, hay, and two other trailers - 40ft x 60 ft shop - 3 wells - 30ft x 80ft carport used to keep hay dry - 60ft x 60ft barn - D6 high track - 30 momma cows and 1 bull - 9 ponds - Cattle panels and head chute


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
Brokerage Link
Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Jeff Heil
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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