Land for Sale - 2899 Townline Road, Tawas City, MI 48763 - 244.0 acres

Large Acreage With Great Hunt Camp And Outbuilding

2899 Townline Road, Tawas City, MI | Lat/Lng:  44.2451, -83.6381

244 ac.
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As a land specialist, I am often fortunate to have the opportunity to work with and sell incredible properties. This property is one of those special properties. It is a large tract that is harder and harder to come by. It has a beautiful camp or cabin and a spacious barn with a game room upstairs. The large parcel is contiguous and has an established trail system throughout. It has a diverse timber stand that offers beauty, cover, and natural browse for the great population of deer, turkey, bear, and small game. In fact, this area is well known as one of the best for deer in this region. In addition, food plots and water are present to supplement the wildlife. The cabin is cozy and exudes what deer camp should be. An open floor plan with knotty pine, fireplace, large windows that offer panoramic views of the property, and two bedrooms that sleep 8 comfortably. Outside is a nice yard area, fire pit, and buck pole. The barn is well-built with two overhead doors, spacious storage and work space, a game room upstairs, and a balcony overlooking the cabin and acreage. The property is located in a secluded yet very convenient proximity to any amenities you might need. In addition, this property is near Lake Huron, the Ausable, Augres, and East Branch of the Augres Rivers, as well as all the recreational opportunities they offer. This truly is a great piece of property with a well-thought-out cabin and barn. If your family or your buddies are looking for an awesome hunting cabin or simply an up-north getaway, this could be it! Property Features: - Large, contiguous wooded parcel - Trail system - Established blinds - Food plots - Great deer, turkey, bear and small game populations - Close proximity to Tawas City - Close proximity to Ausable, Augres, East Branch of the Augres Rivers - Beautiful cabin and barn


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