Land for Sale - 29 Flemings Camp Rd, Redwood, NY 13679 - 0.45 acres

Indian River Camp Lot with Utilities Rossie NY

29 Flemings Camp Rd, Redwood, NY | Lat/Lng:  44.3510, -75.6518

0.45 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Indian River Camp Lot for Sale with Older Camp, Rossie, NY! Riverfront Lot with Electric and Established Septic and Well! Located in the Town of Rossie, St. Lawrence County. Welcome to your new Indian Riverfront property with established buildings, power, septic, and well. This lot has improved access from County Road 3 to Flemings Camp Road. It is 138’ deep with 150’ of ...Click to learn more


CountySaint Lawrence
BrokerageLand Broker Co-op
Agent: Kirk Goodrow
Email Land Listing Agent
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