Land for Sale - 29179 Cumberland Road, Shell Knob, MO 65747 - 0.77 acres

Totally renovated house/property Kings River, Table Rock Lake area

29179 Cumberland Road, Shell Knob, MO | Lat/Lng:  36.5025, -93.5951

0.77 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Beautiful totally renovated 3 bedroom, 2 bath home near the Kings River in Shell Knob, MO. The entire house has been gone through and redone with new material, new paint, new roof, new porch, new deck, etc. etc. etc. Wonderful features like custom counter tops, custom wood bathroom, custom closet doors and many more thoughout the home. There is river access to the Kings river just a short walk or drive down the way from the house. The property is located within minutes from Dogwood Canyon Nature Park and Pine Ridge Pass Trailhead, 14 minutes to Shell Knob, 17 minutes to Berryville, AR, 27 minutes to Eureka Springs, AR, 40 minutes to Branson and Silver Dollar City area, about 1 hour to Bentonville, AR and 1 hour 15 minutes to Springfield, MO. Come make this place your new home or investement purchase and use as residual income as Air Bnb or other rental. Give Tom Johnson a call for a showing at 816-215-7869 . Take a look at the property video! More pics coming soon!


Property Type OneResidential Property
Property Type TwoBusiness Opportunity
BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Missouri Land Brokers
Brokerage Link
Agent: Thomas "Tom" Johnson
Email Land Listing Agent
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