Land for Sale - 292 Shantley Road, Tidioute, PA 16351 - 50.0 acres

Rare Location Bordering The Allegheny National Forest Near Tidioute PA

292 Shantley Road, Tidioute, PA | Lat/Lng:  41.6709, -79.3908

50 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Superb location! This property is located at the end of a secluded dead-end road and is bordered on three sides by the Allegheny National Forest. Just minutes from downtown Tidioute, PA and the Allegheny River, the property has loads of potential including your own hunting paradise, equestrian property or campground. The open acreage would make ideal pasture and hay fields for your animals. Part of the Hickory Creek equestrian trail system runs along the property creating days worth of trail riding for the horse enthusiast. The area is well known for the recreation including the Allegheny National Forest and Allegheny River. The hunting is great with super potential for secluded food plot and stand locations. The older farmhouse with require some TLC but has potential with utilities on-site. The sellers owned oil, gas and mineral rights are negotiable. Please reach out to the listing agent with any questions or to schedule a personal tour! Property Features: - Located on a quiet dead-end road - Borders Allegheny National Forest on 3 sides - Just minutes from the Allegheny River - Nearby equestrian trails - Enrolled in Clean & Green for lower taxes


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
Brokerage Link
Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Josh Ongley
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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