Land for Sale - 2937 County Road 39, Woodland, AL 36280 - 16.0 acres

Go Gold Broiler Farm – Two House Farm in Randolph County, AL

2937 County Road 39, Woodland, AL | Lat/Lng:  33.3531, -85.3016

16 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Go Gold Broiler Farm is a two house farm located near Woodland, AL in Randolph County. The farm has two 40x500 built in 2001. The farm currently grows a big bird for Koch Foods Pine Mountain Complex. The 2023 gross annual income was $126,000. The farm has the following features and equipment: Choretime Choretronics 2 Controllers Cumberland Hi-Lo feed lines Ziggity Water Lines Aerotech and ...Click to learn more


BrokerageLand Broker Co-op
Agent: Poultry South Team
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