Land for Sale - 295048 E 1720 Rd, Duncan, OK 73533 - 3627.68 acres

3627 acres The Craft Ranch (2400 under High Fence), Duncan, OK, Stephens Co

295048 E 1720 Rd, Duncan, OK | Lat/Lng:  34.5327, -97.7271

3627.68 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Acres: 3627 ± Acres. 2400 acres in High Fence. Price: $15,800,000 or $4350 per acre. Terms: No owner financing. Animal Units: 250-350 head of cattle. Location: Duncan, Stephens County, OK. Comments: This one-of-a-kind combination hunting, farming and cattle ranch has 2400 acres of High Fence. There are approximately 600 acres in farm ground, including 80 acres of alfalfa. The balance of ...Click to learn more


BrokerageLand Broker Co-op
Agent: Jim Long
Email Land Listing Agent
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