Land for Sale - 2970 N Mud Spring Hollow Road, Lot#WP001, Sevier, UT 84766 - 771.16 acres

Prime Grazing And Agricultural Property With Range Permits And Water Rights

2970 N Mud Spring Hollow Road, Lot#WP001, Sevier, UT | Lat/Lng:  38.6411, -112.4429

771.16 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


This once-in-a-lifetime ranch of 772-acre property offers exceptional grazing and agricultural opportunities, including Three Creeks and Grass Creek Grazing Allotment permits, with a total AU range of 200-350. The property features certified water rights (#63-3075, #63-3071, #63-2842) and a 3.5% stake in the Pahvant Mountain Landowners LLC, generating annual elk tag revenue of $5,000-$7,000. Also, The Mills property (1,221 acres) is available for winter grazing. This property can run over 500 pairs. Property Features: - 772 +/- acres of prime land - Includes Three Creeks and Grass Creek Grazing Allotments - Permitted range of 350-500 AU - Certified rights (#63-3075, #63-3071, #63-2842) - Elk Tag Revenue Potential $5,000-$7,000 annually - Winter Range Option Includes Mills property (1,221 acres) - 3.5% in Pahvant Mountain Landowners LLC - 60 AU, with 25% increase option


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
Brokerage Link
Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Justin Losee
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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