Land for Sale - 3088 110th ave, Frederic, WI 54837 - 158.46 acres

Hunters Or Homesteaders Dream In Wisconsin

3088 110th ave, Frederic, WI | Lat/Lng:  45.6509, -92.3813

158.46 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Located in beautiful Polk County, Wisconsin, and only a 1 1/2 hour drive out of the Minneapolis/St. Paul Metro, this property is a hunter's or homesteaders' dream. Situated about a half mile down a dead-end road, the property offers the utmost privacy. The land is a mix of wetland marsh, early successional edges leading to old fallow fields and mature hardwood timber. At one time, the owner farmed a few acres of the land, and you can see remnants of what was likely corn or bean fields. It would be an excellent food plot now drawing the trophy deer out of the security cover to the south. In the timber, you can ride trails through old-growth oaks and maples, some ready to be thinned for income. The property is surrounded by private tracts of land on three sides and the Frederic School Forest on the south. An old abandoned town road comes down the west edge and provides excellent access for hunting. There is an old homestead site, and the seller says there is electricity and a functional well and septic. So, this may set up perfectly for you to come in, clean out the old buildings, and build a dream home on your hunting property or future homestead. These types of properties are in high demand, so you will need to act fast, or this will be gone! Call Land Specialist Neil A. Hauger for a tour today. Property Features: - Taxes 4785.68 - Homestead remnant may have a operational well and septic according to the seller - Electric and internet on site - Marketable timber - This area has produced Pope and Young quality bucks up to 170"


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
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Agent: Neil Hauger
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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