Land for Sale - 30990 Fred View Road, Yoder, CO 80864 - 35.0 acres

35 Acre Homestead Opportunity

30990 Fred View Road, Yoder, CO | Lat/Lng:  38.6314, -104.2536

35 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Final Sale Price: No price given
Listed Price: $62,000
Date Listed: 02/03/2025
35 acres in El Paso County, Colorado, offering breathtaking views of Pikes Peak. Perfect for homestead development, this property provides ample space for agricultural use, ranching, or building your dream home. Power poles run along Fredview Road, the southern boundary, ensuring easy access to electricity. Conveniently located near Meyers Road, it offers a peaceful rural setting with an easy commute to Colorado Springs. Zoned A-35 (Agricultural), the property has only lightly restrictive covenants, giving you flexibility while preserving the area's natural beauty. Don’t miss this opportunity to own a piece of Colorado’s wide-open landscape!


CountyEl Paso
Property Type OneFarms
Property Type TwoRanches
Property Type ThreeRecreational Land
BrokerageGreat Plains Land Company
Brokerage Link
Other FeaturesBoundary 1 (1)
Agent: Ethan Janicki
Email Land Listing Agent
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