Land for Sale - 3121 South 25th Road, Humansville, MO 65674 - 82.0 acres

Convenient Country Setting

3121 South 25th Road, Humansville, MO | Lat/Lng:  37.8123, -93.5832

82 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Whether you seek a peaceful retreat or an adventurous lifestyle, this acreage caters to diverse preferences, making it a perfect investment for nature lovers or those simply seeking a serene escape. This expansive 80+ acre property offers a rare blend of pasture and timber. The open landscapes are complemented by the presence of a serene pond stocked with catfish, bass and bluegill. Perfect for making great memories during those family get-togethers. For those who enjoy fishing on a larger scale, there are multiple lakes within a 30-minute drive, which could further expand the recreational possibilities of this property. For those with a penchant for adventure, the property features well-maintained trails for riding horseback or ATV/UTV. These trails provide endless opportunities for outdoor fun and exploration. Despite its serene and secluded ambiance, the property offers convenient highway access, ensuring that you are never too far from modern amenities and services. The property is perimeter fenced, and several building sites are scattered throughout the property, each offering unique views and settings for constructing your dream home. Currently, the property features a single wide mobile home, offering immediate accommodation. Whether you envision a pastoral retreat, an adventurous playground, or a combination of both, this property is poised to become your ideal sanctuary. To find out more about this property and others like it call or text Dustin Lewis at 417-839-1899 or email at Dlewis@mossyoakproperties .com


Property Type OneFarms
Property Type TwoHunting Land
Property Type ThreeRecreational Land
BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Mozark Realty
Brokerage Link
Other FeaturesBelcher (1)
Agent: Dustin Lewis
Email Land Listing Agent
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