Land for Sale - 340th Avenue, Lot#WP001, Hill City, KS 67642 - 166.0 acres

Prime Hunting Land Near Hill City

340th Avenue, Lot#WP001, Hill City, KS | Lat/Lng:  39.1943, -99.7229

166 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Looking for the perfect farm to hunt trophy whitetails while also having the opportunity to hunt upland birds? This is a farm you absolutely have to see in person to fully appreciate! While this property has everything needed to attract and hold deer and upland birds, the location of this quarter allows it to be as great as it truly is. Located in rural Graham County, KS, this property leaves you feeling as if you're in the middle of nowhere. In an area with very little road traffic, houses, etc., it's hard to imagine another property in the county as secluded as this one. And this detail explains why the local wildlife are so comfortable calling this farm home. With over 150 acres of expired CRP, this property provides incredible habitat for pheasants, quail, deer, and turkeys. There are multiple wildlife feeders on the property and a Redneck tower blind – which will all be included in the sale. The Redneck blind assures maximum comfort for your hunt during the Fall deer season. Recent trail cam photos provide good insight into the healthy whitetail deer numbers in this area, as well as the trophy quality genetics within this direct area. Mature shooter bucks have been frequenting this property over the past several years, and the deer sign and trail cam photos provide full evidence of this.Many upland bird hunters recognize Graham County as the top county in the State for filling daily bag limit of quail and pheasants. Farms like this one are a pretty safe bet for flushing a few roosters and a covey of quail. Multiple crop fields within the direct area provide consistent food sources; this property has all the cover! The expired CRP acres can be converted back to cropland for a secluded food source for wildlife, as well as a source of income from the farm. Simply put, if you're looking for a reasonably priced trophy whitetail farm with upland bird hunting on top of it– you need to schedule a day to walk this farm with us. You will not be disappointed! Property Features: - Located 12 miles SE of Hill City, KS - Perfect combination of trophy whitetail and upland bird habitat - Multiple pockets of trees and draws provide excellent bedding cover for whitetail deer - Majority of the land was formerly in the CRP program. Can be converted to cropland - Very good deer sign throughout the farm. Dozens of trails and rubs throughout - 1 Redneck tower blind on the property and included in the sale - 2 large gravity feeders strategically placed on the property and included in the sale - Trails mowed for easy access to stands and feeders - CRP grass blends and native grassland provide great cover for pheasants and quail - Graham County is one of the top upland bird counties in the state - Very secluded and located at the end of a minimally travelled county road - Trophy whitetail deer history – several great bucks on trail cam in recent years - Legal Description: 166 acres within the SE/4 of Section 12, Township 10 South, Range 22 West in Graham County, KS - 4.5 hours from Denver, CO; 45 minutes from Hays, KS


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
Brokerage Link
Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Adam Hann
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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