Land for Sale - 342 Punkin Ridge Road, La Jose, PA 15753 - 56.0 acres

342 Punkin Ridge RD - La Jose - Clearfield - 55 +-

342 Punkin Ridge Road, La Jose, PA | Lat/Lng:  40.7420, -78.6288

56 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Final Sale Price: No price given
Listed Price: $389,000
Date Listed: 02/02/2025
56 +/- secluded acres in Chest Township, Clearfield County, Pennsylvania. Situated at the end of a private gated drive sits a well-maintained garage-style camp which is the perfect family getaway or hunters’ paradise. This unique property offers the privacy that one seeks but also offers the luxury of all the amenities needed for comfort and relaxation. You can walk out the front door straight into the outdoors for endless hunting or recreation opportunities. One great feature of the camp includes a built-in security system to keep your valuables protected when you aren’t at camp. The property itself is comprised of flat to rolling topography, medium to mature growth timber along with several smaller springs throughout the property. Features of the Camp Include:Open-concept living Kitchen, dining, living, and sleeping areas 1 full bath Radiant floor heating throughout, along with mini split for heating and cooling Security shutters on all doors and windows Utilities on site – well water, septic system, electric, 1,000-gallon propane tank 200-amp service Features of the Property Include:56 +/- total acres Secluded setting Gated private drive Mostly wooded property with several small clearings with established food plots Great road frontage Excellent deer and turkey hunting 2 tower stands onsite Property is enrolled in PA Clean and Green Located near several areas for public hunting and fishing, along with well-known ATV parks nearby Approximately 15 minutes to Prince Gallitzin State Park; 8 minutes to Rock Run Recreational Area; 1 hour 55 minutes to Pittsburgh; 1 hour 9 minutes to Penn State; 54 minutes to DuBois; 2 hours 31 minutes to Harrisburg


Property Type OneFarms
Property Type TwoHunting Land
Property Type ThreeRecreational Land
BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Pennsylvania Land Professionals
Brokerage Link
Other Features342 Punkin Ridge Rd - La Jose - Indiana - 55 +/- (3)
Agent: Logan Dominick
Email Land Listing Agent
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