Land for Sale - 3574 Hudson Road, Orange, TX 77632 - 94.0 acres

3574 Hudson Road, Orange, Texas, 77632-3116 Orange County

3574 Hudson Road, Orange, TX | Lat/Lng:  30.2312, -93.7409

94 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Welcome to your rural retreat in Orange, Texas! This 3-bed, 2-bath home offers a perfect blend of rustic charm with 1800 square feet of living space. Situated on 94 acres, this unrestricted property is a dream for outdoor enthusiasts and a rare large acreage opportunity for Orange. Property features include 20 acres that are dedicated to fishing, deer, and duck ...Click to learn more


BrokerageLand Broker Co-op
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Agent: Chad Andrus, ALC
Email Land Listing Agent
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