Land for Sale - 367 Ac County Rd FF, Coloma, WI - 367.0 acres

Waushara County 367 Timber & Hunting Tract

367 Ac County Rd FF, Coloma, WI | Lat/Lng:  44.0652, -89.5345

367 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Nestled in the southwest corner of Waushara County lies this 367+/- acre tract that will stun you with the features & the continued management of the timber. The seller has done a remarkable job managing the over story of the timber, past timber harvests have allowed for great regeneration of hardwood & pine. Once on the property you will be amazed at the extensive trail system that is approx 15 miles that allows you to access different hunting areas of the property without a big intrusion. The rolling & sloping landscape makes great south facing slopes for deer to bed on and allows for the whitetail to have great bedding and escape routes. An old, elevated railroad bed will also allow you to gain access to portions of the property without being detected. Multiple stunning build sites. Access from black top, electric and fiber internet at the road. The turkey and deer numbers are plentiful within this tract and in the local area. The amount of bedding, terrain changes, plenty of browsing for the whitetail, access points, trail system and areas to create larger food plots make this property one that you can take to the next level with how it is laid out and hunted. One will also find black bears frequenting the area from time to time. This tract is truly a wonderful hunting, rec and potential dream build site. Property is located little over an hour from Madison and Appleton WI, with being approx. 2 hrs to Milwaukee and to 31/2 to Chicago. Call now to set up a tour of the property contact Travis Hamele 608-697-3349


BrokerageUnited Country Midwest Lifestyle Properties
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