Land for Sale - 39 county road 343, Russellville, AL 35654 - 78.0 acres

78 Acre County Line Road Farm

39 county road 343, Russellville, AL | Lat/Lng:  34.5453, -87.5291

78 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


If you’ve been looking for a piece of land with plenty of charm and good, productive soil, this 78-acre farm in Lawrence County, Alabama might just be the one you’ve been waiting for. This beautiful farm offers many options to be an income-producing operation with perimeter fencing and around 20 acres of cross-fenced pasture. Approximately 50 acres are currently being row-cropped and offers the peaceful country setting that everyone wants. It also has a small farm pond for watering your animals or just sitting by on a hot summer day. The soil is highly productive and is very good for farming, with a history of high-yielding crops including corn, soybeans, wheat, and cotton. If you’re looking to grow, this land will certainly work for you. You’ll have plenty of road frontage, too—with a half-mile along County Line Road and a quarter-mile on County Road 343. So, access is easy and convenient, but you still get that peaceful, quiet country feel. Now, the house itself is a lovely 2-bedroom, 1 ½-bath farm-style home. and offers a warm southern charm. There’s also a 40’ x 100’ barn on the property, along with a few other outbuildings, so there’s no shortage of space to store your equipment or take care of your animals. This property is only 20 minutes from Muscle Shoals, Moulton, and Russellville, so you get the best of both worlds—peaceful country living without being too far from town. It's in a great school district, too—Hatton, Mt. Hope, and Tharptown. And if you’re a fan of hunting, this area’s got excellent hunting with deer frequently feeding in the fields. If you’re looking for a beautiful, productive farm to call your own, this beautiful farm in Lawrence County is certainly worth looking at. For more information or showing by appointment only, contact Cameron Isbell @ 256.483.8134 or cisbell@


Property Type OneFarms
Property Type TwoRanches
Property Type ThreeResidential Property
BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Southeast Land & Wildlife, LLC
Brokerage Link
Agent: Cameron Isbell
Email Land Listing Agent
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