Land for Sale - 3975 S Maple Grove Road, Boise, ID 83709 - 0.78 acres

Home on .78 Acres in Ada County in Boise, ID

3975 S Maple Grove Road, Boise, ID | Lat/Lng:  43.5679, -116.2946

0.78 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Welcome home to 3975 S Maple Grove Road. This property is in a convenient location with a boastful 0.78± acre lot, ample room for activities and plans to meet your vision! The charming, traditional Ada County home offers 1,728± square feet featuring four bedrooms, two baths, two living rooms, a large laundry room with a deep sink and space for ...Click to learn more


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Agent: SMALLTOWN Hunting Properties and Real Estate
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