Land for Sale - 3996 County Road 724, Nacogdoches, TX 75964 - 48.5 acres

East Texas Estate, Custom Home with 48.5 acres

3996 County Road 724, Nacogdoches, TX | Lat/Lng:  31.5355, -94.7806

48.5 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Acres: 48.5 ± Acres. Price: $1,190,000. Terms: No owner financing. Location: Nacogdoches, TX, Nacogdoches County. Comments: 48.5 beautiful, wooded acres located 30 minutes from Sam Rayburn Reservoir, 6 minutes from Nacogdoches Lake, and 5 minutes from Angelina River on Highway 7. Property is secluded but accessed by good county road. Improvements: 4450 sq. ft. Custom home, 4 bedroom/2 bathroom home built in 2007. Home ...Click to learn more


BrokerageLand Broker Co-op
Agent: Jim Long
Email Land Listing Agent
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