Land for Sale - 40310 Eatonville Cutoff Rd, Eatonville, WA 98328 - 1.66 acres

Eatonville Vacant Lot 1.66 acre

40310 Eatonville Cutoff Rd, Eatonville, WA | Lat/Lng:  46.8918, -122.3057

1.66 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Eatonville Area (north of town) perfectly secluded, 1.66 acres awaits your development! A great building site with many possibilities. Level property that is mostly useable for building. Lightly wooded. partly fenced, driveway apron on north side, walk in a short distance and easy to see and feel good about the land. Buyer to drill a well for water, soils should be good for a septic system - might need a curtain drain or wwtr, talk to your designer. see attachments to listing, power and phone in the road. Other nice homes in the community. Manufactured homes are OK. No HOA or CC&Rs! Buy and hold or build right away. Park at sign and walk in. Reduced to sell.


BrokerageKeller Williams Mountains to Sound Realty
Brokerage Link
Agent: David R. Knight
Email Land Listing Agent
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