Land for Sale - 4631 Highway 229, Carthage, AR 71725 - 54.0 acres

Private Hunting And Investment Property

4631 Highway 229, Carthage, AR | Lat/Lng:  34.1256, -92.5326

54 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Looking for a private retreat or a great investment opportunity? This country property offers a mix of natural beauty and practicality, featuring a well-established road and trail system, three ponds, and abundant wildlife, making it perfect for hunting or a potential deer camp. The timber was last cut in 2009, providing future investment potential, while the gated entrance and highway frontage ensure both privacy and accessibility. A fixer-upper home is already in place, with utilities including a septic tank, well, and natural gas available at the property. Whether you're seeking a recreational getaway or a long-term investment, this unique property has endless possibilities! Property Features: - Gated and private - Utilities onsite - Road and trail system throughout


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Agent: Whitetail Properties
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