Land for Sale - 4722 Arizona Rd, Savonburg, KS 66772 - 119.0 acres

Supreme Sanctuary And Lodge

4722 Arizona Rd, Savonburg, KS | Lat/Lng:  37.7504, -95.1144

119 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


If you're looking for an absolute turn-key hunting property with a modern, recently built lodge in Southeast Kansas here it is. Pinch points, funnels, interior crop fields, water holes, seasonal creeks, mature timber, brush, and cedars, this farm has it all! Blinds and feeders are in place as well as a three-bedroom and two-bath lodge. Not only is the lodge finished out with granite solid surface countertops and tile showers, all of the furnishings stay, other than personal items. All appliances, TVs, and furniture are included in this offering. Fiber optic is in place, so if you need to keep in contact with family or customers, you won't have to walk to the end of the driveway for service!Security is provided by not only a built-in security system but also a concrete and steel vault which also acts as a storm shelter.Another added bonus and peace of mind is the backup power provided by a Generac generator in case you experience some of that stormy weather Kansas is known for.If you're looking for a great hunting property and modern living in a remote and quiet location you should consider this amazing property. Property Features: - Brush and cedar thickets - Mature timber along creeks - Blinds and Feeders - Great Deer and Turkey density - Owners Mineral rights pass with sale - Modern lodge and shop - Fiber optic - Safe room/vault


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
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Agent: Whitetail Properties
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