Land for Sale - 4852 West County Highway, Hawks, MI 49743 - 37.0 acres

Hunting Property In Northern Michigan

4852 West County Highway, Hawks, MI | Lat/Lng:  45.3021, -83.9034

37 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Discover the perfect hunting retreat with this outstanding parcel. The property features a superb mix of thick woods and more open areas, creating an ideal habitat for deer and other wildlife. With an evident big buck sign throughout, this land is a hunter’s dream. In addition to the wooded areas, pasture ground offers excellent opportunities for establishing a food plot, enhancing your hunting strategy even further. Besides boasting road frontage on two sides, the North Eastern State Trail, a 70-mile rural trail available for non-motorized users year-round and open to snowmobiles from December 1 to March 31, cuts through the property. This enhances recreational options and grants the landowner convenient access to the property's interior. This gives the owner the ability to play the wind for optimal hunting conditions. While an individual could easily come in and enjoy the property on day one, for those looking for a property that could use some sweat equity, this may be right up your alley. Adding some trails, removing old rubbish, and sprucing it up wouldn’t be hard and would really make this diamond shine in a rough property. Whether you’re seeking an affordable “up-north” hunting property or acreage where you could make your mark, this tract is worth visiting. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity! Property Features: - Excellent hunting potential with significant big buck sign - Diverse terrain featuring both thick woods and open areas - Pasture ground ideal for food plot development - Road frontage on two sides for easy access - Adjacent to the North Eastern State Trail for year-round recreational use - Perfect "up-north" getaway for affordable hunting


CountyPresque Isle
BrokerageWhitetail Properties
Brokerage Link
Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Edmund Nogaski
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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