Land for Sale - 4980 Highway 82, Ethelsville, AL 35461 - 33.21 acres

33.21 Acres in Pickens County, AL

4980 Highway 82, Ethelsville, AL | Lat/Lng:  33.4493, -88.2118

33.21 ac.
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WELCOME TO THE PICKENS 33.21 IN ETHELSVILLE, ALABAMA! SEIZE THE CHANCE TO OWN THIS BEAUTIFUL PIECE OF RAW LAND LOCATED OFF HWY 82. The 33.21± acre Pickens County property offers an established address, making it easy to access. The land features a stunning 3± acre lake, perfect for fishing or enjoying the serene surroundings, an established dirt road, and mature ...Click to learn more


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Agent: SMALLTOWN Hunting Properties and Real Estate
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