Land for Sale - 5 Colony Road, Gruetli Laager, TN 37339 - 5.0 acres

5+/-acres Unrestricted near Salvage Gulf State Park

5 Colony Road, Gruetli Laager, TN | Lat/Lng:  35.3932, -85.6997

5 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


5.00+/-acres Unrestricted Wooded property with year-round creek. Located on top of the Cumberland Plateau. This property is secluded and private with beautiful build sites overlooking the year-round creek that you could hear from your back porch. There are plenty of deer and turkey. This property is only minutes from Savage Gulf State Park and 50 minutes from Chattanooga. ****Buyer is responsible to do their due diligence to verify that all information is correct.


Property Type OneRecreational Land
Property Type TwoResidential Property
Property Type ThreeSingle Family
BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Land Sales, LLC
Brokerage Link
Agent: David Dancy
Email Land Listing Agent
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