Land for Sale - 5100 SW 159th street, Oklahoma City, OK 73173 - 5.0 acres

Cleveland County - 5 Acres

5100 SW 159th street, Oklahoma City, OK | Lat/Lng:  35.3110, -97.6076

5 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Check out this great property! It's a beautiful 5-acre lot located just 2 miles from the turnpike, making great access to Newcaslte, Norman or OKC. The land is flat and well maintained, sits at the end of a quiet neighborhood, giving you plenty of space and privacy. Being right along the Canadian River is a great bonus—whether for enjoying scenic views, fishing, or just enjoying nature. This is a great place to escape the city and enjoy some peace and quiet. No rural water or wells on the property: The nearby wells producing estimated 25-35 GPM around 80-120 feet deep. Power nearby, but no meter Flood zone Proximity to OKC and Norman: The 22-minute drive to downtown OKC and 32 minutes to Norman are definitely attractive, making the property feel like a peaceful retreat without being too far from city amenities.


Property Type OneRecreational Land
Property Type TwoLot
BrokerageGreat Plains Land Company
Brokerage Link
Agent: Kale Crocker
Email Land Listing Agent
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