Land for Sale - 5148 Mushroom Road, Deford, MI 48729 - 120.0 acres

Great Starter Farm

5148 Mushroom Road, Deford, MI | Lat/Lng:  43.4844, -83.2223

120 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


This is a great starter or hunting farm in the heart of Tuscola County. This farm is located in a beautiful and quiet country setting with approximately 45 acres of tiled, tillable ground. This farm has a small 3-bedroom home with one bath. A wood burner stove is there to ward off the winter chills. There is a 30' x 60' pole barn for all your equipment and storage needs. This farm features excellent hunting. Big Tom Turkeys and deer are numerous on this parcel: excellent habitat and tillable combine to give this farm everything it needs to produce bucks and toms. The south branch of White Creek flows through the eastern portion of the property. It provides good topography and a great bedding sanctuary for deer. The Deford State Game Area borders the property on two sides, giving you more room to roam and explore. Listings remain tight all across the thumb. Don't delay. Call me today for your personal and private showing. Property Features: - South branch of White Creek - Small 3 bedroom, 1 bath home - 30' x 60' pole barn - Approximately 45 acres of tiled, tillable ground - Excellent deer and turkey hunting - Deford State Game Area nearby


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