Land for Sale - 52089 Crane Venator Lane, Crane, OR 97732 - 800.0 acres

Chukar Buttes Ranch

52089 Crane Venator Lane, Crane, OR | Lat/Lng:  43.3316, -118.2574

800 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Welcome to Chukar Buttes Ranch, where 800± acres of premier upland game bird excitement awaits. If you enjoy hunting wild birds, this ranch will blow your mind. The chukar presents a significant hunting challenge in Oregon due to its preference for rocky, rugged terrain and its quick uphill running and rapid downhill flying capabilities. The live water from Pole Creek and ...Click to learn more


BrokerageLand Broker Co-op
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Agent: Fay Ranches Broker
Email Land Listing Agent
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