Land for Sale - 526 W. Oglethorpe Blvd., Albany, GA 31701 - 0.25 acres

526 W. Oglethorpe BLVD.

526 W. Oglethorpe Blvd., Albany, GA | Lat/Lng:  31.5749, -84.1613

0.25 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


<p>Commercial property located in a highly visible area of Albany, GA. High traffic count of over 13,500 VPD. Formerly utilized for a finance company office, this property consists of over 2,000 SF of interior space with a lobby, reception area, 2 offices and 2 plus other rooms that could be used for additional offices or storage. Located within a few ...Click to learn more


BrokerageLand Broker Co-op
Agent: Jay Chambless
Email Land Listing Agent
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