Land for Sale - 617 3rd Avenue, Chatsworth, GA 30705 - 4.0 acres

4 Acre Commercial Lot in Murray County, GA

617 3rd Avenue, Chatsworth, GA | Lat/Lng:  34.7584, -84.7703

4 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


INVESTORS! DEVELOPERS! THE MURRAY 4 IS A CLEAN SLATE AND OFFERS ENDLESS OPPORTUNITIES. Situated in between Hwy 411 and S 4th Avenue in Chatsworth, GA, this 4± acre Murray County commercial tract is worth considering. The vacant property is located beside an established hotel and across the street from a gas station. This land makes the perfect setting for a gas station, ...Click to learn more


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Agent: SMALLTOWN Hunting Properties and Real Estate
Email Land Listing Agent
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