Land for Sale - 62 Temple Lane, Magee, MS 39111 - 10.0 acres

Rural Lot Offering Peaceful Country Living (Lot 3)

62 Temple Lane, Magee, MS | Lat/Lng:  31.9299, -89.6307

10 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Looking for tranquility and low traffic? These properties are on a dead-end county-maintained dirt road and could be the perfect escape you’ve been seeking. The parcel is being subdivided into three affordable tracks. One track includes a double-wide mobile home, which can be purchased separately or will be removed at the seller’s expense. This lot (#3) is equipped with electricity and water connections and the other two lots have easy access to utilities from the road. Each lot will have approximately 345 feet of road frontage. Ideal for nature lovers and hunters alike, this area is known for its abundant white-tailed deer and turkeys. If hunting isn’t your preference, this property offers a peaceful retreat surrounded by nature. The seller is motivated and offers all three lots at a discounted rate if purchased together. Don’t miss this fantastic opportunity. Call today to discuss the possibilities! Property Features: - Seclusion - Dead-end road - County road frontage - Homesite


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
Brokerage Link
Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Rick Walters
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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