Land for Sale - 630 18th Road NW, Choteau, MT 59422 - 2.0 acres

Pursuit of Rocky Mountain Peace

630 18th Road NW, Choteau, MT | Lat/Lng:  47.8687, -112.1226

2 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


A log-style residence sits on the peaceful plains of central Montana, where they converge with the rugged Rocky Mountain Front. This immaculate home offers breathtaking views of the snowcapped mountains, visible from its porches and expansive windows. Boasting three bedrooms and three bathrooms, the cabin features an open main floor designed around a charming wood stove. Spanning 1,764 square feet ...Click to learn more


BrokerageLand Broker Co-op
Agent: Staci Corder
Email Land Listing Agent
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