Land for Sale - 65200 Sultan Road, Green Castle, MO 63544 - 165.0 acres

Rolling Timber Recreational Hunting Property With Multiple Food Plots, Cabin And Scenic Views

65200 Sultan Road, Green Castle, MO | Lat/Lng:  40.1491, -92.8873

165 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Here is a great secluded hunting farm with a nice cabin and scenic view overlooking the Mussel Fork Creek bottoms. This property is located Southeast of Green City, Missouri, and a short distance East of Hwy 129 off Sulton Rd. The property is accessed by a long deeded easement for access, which makes the location of the property inset from any and all roads for a more private setting. The property is made up of rolling Oak and Hickory timbered hills with multiple food plots carved out in strategic locations for hunting purposes. The timber has been recently cut for the health of the overall stand as well as to enhance bedding and food across the property for the wildlife. If you're a serious deer hunter, this farm is only going to get better with the new availability of food, cover, and water. Access around the property is second to none for a big timber tract with multiple logging roads through and around the property to get you in and out with low pressure. While touring the farm, we saw multiple deer groups and a big flock of long-beards using the treetops for cover and bedding. The cabin on the property consists of 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, and an open kitchen/living area with a small equipment garage attached to the North end. There are two water sources feeding the cabin, an underground cistern for laundry and bathrooms and a big holding tank for showers, dishes, and drinking. The property has forced air/heat and has been occupied for a full-time residence. For any questions or to schedule a showing, give listing agents Jeff Propst and Stephen Stockman a call. Property Features: - 165+/- acres of rolling timber - Great deer and turkey hunting with likeminded neighbors - Multiple food plots and ponds - Great access through and around the property via logging trails - Nice 1200sqft cabin with 2 bedrooms and 1 bath. - Scenic views overlooking the mussel Fork creek bottoms. - Recent timber harvest to enhance overall heath of the timber and to enhance food and bedding cover


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
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