Land for Sale - 66056 Upper Imnaha Rd, Imnaha, OR 97842 - 465.65 acres

Imnaha River Ranch

66056 Upper Imnaha Rd, Imnaha, OR | Lat/Lng:  45.4420, -116.7862

465.65 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Imnaha River RanchPropertyBullet Points: -465.65 +-total Acres. -Located 9.5 miles from Imnaha, OR and 40 miles from Joseph, OR. -Approximately .55 miles of private Imnaha River Frontage, 1.75 +-miles of creeks. -Abundant hunting opportunities forupland game birds, black bear, mule deer, whitetaildeer, and Rocky Mountain elk. -Qualifies for up to two Landowner Preference (LOP) tags for each deer and elk season. -Outstanding fishery for rainbow trout, ...Click to learn more


BrokerageLand Broker Co-op
Agent: David Smith
Email Land Listing Agent
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