Land for Sale - 6909 Route 219, Lewis Run, PA 16738 - 2.61 acres

Small Camping Lot Near Public Land

6909 Route 219, Lewis Run, PA | Lat/Lng:  41.8007, -78.7014

2.61 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


This small wooded parcel is an ideal camping or cabin location which is located near the Allegheny National Forest. The property has an existing driveway, electricity on site (may need a new meter) as well as a water well. The site sits on a high knob an appears to be a nice building location. A useable storage shed and small greenhouse are on the property currently. The surrounding woods are a nice mix of hardwoods and Hemlocks. Evidence of the local wildlife population covered the property. This would make an exceptional basecamp while enjoying the surrounding public recreation areas. Some minor cleanup will be needed. All sellers owned OGM rights will convey to the buyer. No testing has been done for septic and that is the responsibility of the buyer. Reach out to the listing agent with specific questions or to schedule your personal tour! Property Features: - Existing driveway - Water well


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
Brokerage Link
Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Josh Ongley
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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